

摩頓華人基督教會主恩堂是一個篤信聖經, 不屬於任何宗派的純正基督教教會。目的是見證主耶穌基督、傳揚福音、領人歸主、牧養信徒並服務摩頓社區的華人。我們十分歡迎你參加我們的聚會,一同經歷一位美善全能的神。

About us

Chinese Christian Church of Grace in Malden started in June 1993. We aim to bring the Gospel to the Chinese cummunity in the city of Malden area. We believe in the Holy Bible to bear witness to the Lord Jesus Christ, spread the Gospel, lead people to God, shepherding believers and to service the community.
Our church has various fellowship, worship and prayer meeting for people of all ages. All are welcome to attend.


1993 年 4 月份,神差遣張保羅牧師夫婦, 與昔日在神學院的學長蔡志誠夫婦及其母親 ─ 香港九龍生命堂的徐鼎芬執事在 Malden 建立教會。當時在 Malden 居住的華人數目相當多,可是仍然未有一所華人教會。經過多番懇切的禱告後,張保羅牧師夫婦二人首先在家中開始查經班的事工。後來,查經班人數漸漸增多,於是向 Malden 第一浸信會借用其小禮堂舉行崇拜。第一次崇拜是 1993 年 6 月 13 日,約有二十多人出席。稍後,參加崇拜的人數越來越多,小禮堂也不敷應用。於是在 1993 年 9 月與第一浸信會商議,在主日下午借用他們的大禮堂舉行崇拜。

1994 年暑假期間,途經 Eastern Ave 見到一間空置的舖位十分合適改建成為教會。經弟兄姊妹多番禱告後,由徐執事以私人名義買下來,免費借給主恩堂使用。在神的引 領之下,主恩堂終於在 1994 年 10 月舉行新堂獻堂感恩崇拜。教會能在短短一年間有自己的會址,實在是一個神蹟!

期後,神繼續不斷地差遣衪的僕人們來牧養衪自己的教會。2013年,神差遣何榮耀牧師夫婦來參與教會的服事至今。這些年來,主恩堂在神的看顧下,和何師的牧養下成 長。目前教會除了每星期的粵/國語主日崇拜以外,我們還有雙月一次的英/國主日崇拜、成人主日學、兒童及青少年主日學、禱告會以及團契。盼望你在主恩堂經歷到神 的同在和主內弟兄姊妹的情誼,讓主恩堂成為你屬靈的家。

Our history

April 1993, God sent Pastor Paul Cheung along with his former seminary school classmates 蔡志誠, his wife, and deacon 徐鼎芬 from 香港九龍生命堂 to start the preparation of setting up a church in Malden to address the increase number of Chinese around the area. After much prayer, they started a bible study group, with the help from Pastor Cheung's wife and other brothers and sisters, the number of attendance grew to a point that needed more space. On June 13, 1993, they borrowed space from First Baptist Church in Malden to host the first worship service with 20 people. With hymns and bible provided by 蔡志誠, his wife and deacon 徐鼎芬, along with other brothers and sisters to help with children sunday school, praise to the Lord that the service was a success. The small group grew in attendance to start using the main hall of the church in September 1993.

In the summer of 1994, Pastor Cheung and companies found 50 Eastern Ave. in Malden for sale that could be converted in a church to serve the community. With the financial support from deacon 徐鼎芬, we were able to acquire the location to start building Chinese Christian Church of Grace. With the help from brothers and sisters along with prayer support from other Boston churches, Chinese Christian Church of Grace in Malden was established on Octabor 1994. It must be God's work to establish this location within a year, Psalm 33:9, "He spoke, and the world came into being. He commanded, and it stood firm.". Now brothers and sisters can spend as much time as they need to for various activities instead of a shared space. Praise the Lord.


  1. 聖父神是全能的父,字宙萬有的主宰。
  2. 聖子耶穌基督是神的獨生子,是人類惟一的救主,道成肉身,降臨世間,被釘死在十字架上,流血替人類贖罪,死後三天復活、升天,現今坐在父神右邊,將來要再臨迎接信徒,審判世界。
  3. 聖靈是啟迪眾人,住在信徒心靈之內,安慰和幫助信徒的保惠師。
  4. 聖父、聖子、聖靈是三位一體的永活真神。
  5. 全部新舊約聖經是神所默示,完全無誤,是信徒在信仰和生活中至高無上的依據。
  6. 人惟獨因信耶穌得以稱義,惟獨靠主恩得救。除此以外,別無救法。

Our Faith Statement

  1. God the Father is the Father Almighty, Lord of all cosmic.
  2. Son, Jesus Christ is the Son of God incarnate, come into the world, was crucified on the cross, bleeding for human sin, resurrection and ascension after death, sitting to the right of the Father, in the future to meet again believer Pro, to judge the world.
  3. The Holy Spirit is enlightened people, living in the hearts of believers, comfort and help believers Paraclete.
  4. Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the living God the Trinity.
  5. All Old and New Testaments of the Bible is inspired by God, especially the New Testament church is a basic.
  6. Justification by faith of Jesus, salvation by Grace. In addition, no rescue law.




Pastoral Staff

Pastor Wing Yiu Ho

Minister Wesley Lau