

Chinese Christian Church of Grace
in Malden

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Welcome to the website of the Chinese Christian Church of Malden. We are a pure Chinese Christian church that do not belong to any denomination. We were established in the Malden area since 1993. I hope this page will help you get to know our church. May God's love and peace be with you, and may Christ be your personal savior and give you eternal happiness.

更多關於主恩堂 About us
  • 地點 Address

    50 Eastern Ave, Malden, MA, 02148

    粵語/國語聯合崇拜 Main Church Service

    星期日 Sunday - 10:00 AM

  • 兒童/青年主日學 Kids/Youth Sunday School

    星期日 Sunday - 10:00 AM

    B1團契 B1 Fellowship

    星期一 Monday - 8:00 PM


‧ 崇拜時間:10:00 am
‧ 網上 Facebook 專頁上有詳細信息如何加入崇拜直播

請按這裡加入 --> [Zoom Meeting link]
Meeting ID: 880 8629 9008
Passcode: 123456

兒童 及 青少年 主日學 回復實體聚會
‧ 主日學時間: 10:00 am





Latest CCCG Updates

4/13/2024: - CCCG in person worship at 10:00 am
- You can also join us online, details listed on our Facebook page or directly click on the following: [ Zoom Meeting link ]
Meeting ID: 880 8629 9008
Passcode: 123456

The worship service will be conducted in both Cantonese and Mandarin translation

Children and youth sunday school resumed in person classes at 10:00 am

Mandarin and Cantonese Sunday School starts after workship.
If you feel sick, please stay home and join us online for the day.

Offering can be made by clicking on the button below using Paypal